consume less Archives - Bedding Republic Boring Bedrooms, Never Again Tue, 28 Jun 2022 10:20:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Ways To Live A Sustainable Lifestyle Tue, 28 Jun 2022 10:05:33 +0000 Do you know that our thinking is the biggest threat to our planet? You must be wondering how. Well, take a look at your surroundings, and you will surely find the answer that instead of working on our actions, we are waiting for a super savior, who will help save the earth. The growing concerns […]

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Do you know that our thinking is the biggest threat to our planet? You must be wondering how. Well, take a look at your surroundings, and you will surely find the answer that instead of working on our actions, we are waiting for a super savior, who will help save the earth. The growing concerns of pollution and other things not letting the earth breathe have put the world in a tense situation, as a tragic future can be foreseen.

It is a frightening thing to believe, but it is true. However, you do not need to lower your morale as all is not lost yet. We still have time to save the earth. There is a lot we can think about and implement, to make this world better for us and future generations.

Some countries around the globe have started working on it. Do you know that Australia has one of the largest sustainable communities?

You must be awe-struck by this information. Our country has already adopted a lifestyle that is healthy for the environment. Nevertheless, if you are still looking for ways to adapt to the respective lifestyle, Bedding Republic is here as your guide. Let us take you on a visual journey explaining the ways of living a sustainable lifestyle:

“Understanding The Dynamic Behind Recycling”

We all know the basic concept of recycling: to make use of the waste by converting it into a reusable good. It is an easy concept to grab but is it an easy task to do? Do you know that not all things can be recycled? Your mind must be stationed on this thought as we all have been recycling things by throwing waste into the recycle bin. However, let us see things that cannot be recycled:

  • Shredded Paper
  • Ceramics
  • Food
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Paper Plates/napkins
  • Glass

You must be wondering what happens if we throw these items into the recycle bin? Well, when we do so, the items that can be recycled get jumbled in and the whole batch is ruined. Therefore, to start living sustainably, it is significant to know what can be recycled and what cannot.

“Consume Less”

Reducing consumption is a concept that is widely known. Do you know why there is so much emphasis on the respective concern? It is because it has a direct relationship with the overall adverse impact on Earth. You might be confused at this stage. Let us help you understand it.

When overconsumption rises, there are risks involved. We all know what Scarcity is, fewer resources, and high demand. Therefore, when we overconsume, we are polluting and damaging the environment. Fast fashion is especially playing with our minds and convincing us to buy goods that are not even necessary.

To live a sustainable life, you need to start living on the principle of ‘consume less, throw less’. Whenever you go shopping, ask yourself the following:

  • Is it essential?
  • Do I see myself using this item for another five years?

If the answer is no, place the item back on its shelf. Be a part of providing the Earth the peace it has been longing for.

With that, buy things that are eco-friendly and can be recycled. Follow the concept of reuse and recycle.

“Travel Sustainably”

As you are about to leave for work and you start your car, ask yourself, am I polluting the environment with it? You will right away stop the engine and will take public transport to go to work. Do you know why would you do so? It is because the gasses released by the cars are damaging the air quality and harming the climate. By taking public transport, you will play a part in minimizing these destructive impacts and energy consumption as well.

You must be wondering that your ease will be at cost. However, if you look deeper, you will see that Earth, is in danger, and the situation is getting worse day by day. Start now or we might not be able to survive.

Ask yourself what is better? To breathe in a peaceful environment or polluted environment.

“Eliminate Single-Use Plastic”

Do you know how many years it takes for the Earth to degrade plastic? It takes 400 years. This information might have awakened the emotional attachment that you have with Earth The years indicates that more than 90% of plastic is not recycled. It is a very alarming situation not only for the species on land but for marine life as well. Steps need to be taken to make ‘our only home’ a better place to reside in.

Let us see what single-use plastic things are that need to be banished from our lives:

  • Plastic water bottles
  • Plastic bags
  • Plastic straws
  • Styrofoam containers

Eliminating single-use plastic is one of the significant steps toward sustainable living.

[To find out more on single-use plastic, check out our blog]

“Kitchen Garden”

A fun way to live a sustainable lifestyle is by growing vegetables and fruits in your garden. Some of us are plant lovers and do it for personal reasons. Now, add another reason to it, which is the mother Earth. Playing with nature is peaceful and relaxing. It will not only let the Earth breathe but will also make your life a bit more colorful.

Just imagine eating fresh fruits and vegetables from your garden that are chemical-free. It will be an unexplainable feeling. With that, not only will your mind be at peace, but your physical state will be healthy and happy.

“Shop Locally”

Do you know that supporting your local businesses, comes under sustainable living? It must have awe-inspired you. Buying less is the target but that does not mean that you will not buy anything at all. When you shop, prioritize your local marts, as you are not only helping them grow but contributing a part to the country’s economy.

Many local businesses follow the agenda of saving the environment, look for those, and buy from them.

Try your best and do whatever else you can to adopt a lifestyle that is healthier for you and the Earth. It is our home, thus, it is our duty to save it.

Remember, change starts with YOU!

The post 6 Ways To Live A Sustainable Lifestyle appeared first on Bedding Republic.
