Environment Archives - Bedding Republic https://beddingrepublic.com.au/tag/environment/ Boring Bedrooms, Never Again Tue, 15 Mar 2022 07:45:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Can We Really Sustain Global Consumption On Organic Means Of Growing Cotton? https://beddingrepublic.com.au/can-we-really-sustain-global-consumption-on-organic-means-of-growing-cotton/ Tue, 15 Mar 2022 07:45:21 +0000 https://beddingrepublic.com.au/?p=1331 What does your mind picture when you hear the word cotton? Most of you just found yourself surrounded by pure and soothing vibes, imagining the blossom fields of cotton. The characteristic that natural fiber holds is undeniably the best. We might even fail to express how they take care of us as we will surely […]

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What does your mind picture when you hear the word cotton? Most of you just found yourself surrounded by pure and soothing vibes, imagining the blossom fields of cotton. The characteristic that natural fiber holds is undeniably the best. We might even fail to express how they take care of us as we will surely be at a loss for words. Today, the most widely used natural fiber and in high demand, around the world is cotton. Before the final picture is put to screen, the production house prepares a good structure plan, which is comprised of cacophony. To keep cotton pure and natural it is made sure that every step in the manufacturing process is taken well care of.

A white fluffy ball is a means of sustainability to the world. However, the conventional crops are assisted with synthetic fertilizers, bringing in the chemicals. Let us have a look at whether it is better or an issue of concern:

“OTA Concern”

With cotton being the most widely used crop, it is said to be the ‘dirtiest crop’ by Organic Trade Association (OTA). Do you know how much percentage of cotton production contributes to consuming the world’s pesticides? About 25%. You must be shocked by the figure, but it is true. Cotton brings in a flood of benefits but the conditions it can worsen cannot be overlooked. These pests can harm the land, the soil, the waterways, and can even inflict the animals.

This indicates that not only the environment is at stake but the people as well. The attack on the waterways can make the water contaminated and thus, causing health issues. OTA is right at the concern. The concern does not lie in just one place, it captures all the aspects. The ratio of the aspects is high. The land being destroyed by pesticides might not be usable again, and the drinking water has pests in it, making it harmful to be even used. Therefore, it is hard under these conditions to sustain the organic means of growing cotton.

“Crops Need To Quench Their Thirst”

Cotton crops are known to be thirsty crops. They need more than 264 gallons of water to bring life into one textile merchandise. Not just for the manufacturing process, the crops need water to grow. With growing concerns regarding the shortage of water, it will not be easy to continue growing cotton under organic means. The world is already suffering a lot. This will only be an add-on to the suffering. It will not lessen any burden. The current environmental situation has put some serious strain on how we can reserve water. Therefore, managing organic means of growing cotton seems to be an inapplicable means to continue with.

The situation is known to all. The world is in dire need of this necessity. Living being should be the priority, everything else is secondary.


“Objective- Environment Sustainability”

Organic cotton crops are a means of saving the world. They will provide the best of facilities and will be a savior for the land and people. There is zero involvement of pests, and the production continues with fewer resources. It saves for all the alarming issues that conventional cotton brings with it including contaminated water, land, health issues, and others. Global Organic Textile Standard has given their word regarding how safe it is and enhances life. Therefore, this indicates that kick the synthetic materials and continue with the process of growing organic cotton with organic means.

“Hence, the answer whether we can sustain global consumption on organic means of growing cotton can be found in aforementioned concerns”

Global consumption can be sustained. With growing, concerns of people regarding the environment will help them understand that it is better to pay the expense once than to be overpowered by the synthetic products and the issues it brings with them. Organic cotton is friendly and will not be mean harm to anyone.

The post Can We Really Sustain Global Consumption On Organic Means Of Growing Cotton? appeared first on Bedding Republic.

Ways To Taper Carbon Footprint https://beddingrepublic.com.au/ways-to-taper-carbon-footprint/ Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:24:44 +0000 https://beddingrepublic.com.au/?p=1308 What comes to your mind when you think about carbon footprint? You must be thinking about greenhouse gas emissions or a better direction, sustainable living. With growing concerns about surviving in the respective environment, it is now obligatory for all of us to adopt a lifestyle that is in harmony with the earth. We all […]

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What comes to your mind when you think about carbon footprint? You must be thinking about greenhouse gas emissions or a better direction, sustainable living. With growing concerns about surviving in the respective environment, it is now obligatory for all of us to adopt a lifestyle that is in harmony with the earth. We all are aware of how much damage has already been done to the earth and, thus, as a result, we face numerous problems including uncertain weather conditions to new and undefined health issues. With businesses’ focus shifting from ethical sourcing to ways where they can cut costs and to people not buying organic products because they are expensive, has led to so many problems that we have lost count.

However, not all is lost. Sustainable living is one way to pay for all the damage done on earth and repair it for us and for the generations to come. Earth needs to breathe so it can help us in saving lives. We need to give something for the earth to give us back.

Let us have a look at some of the ways on how can we live in consonance with earth:

“Excuses Will Not Make Up For Misused Energy”

To preserve the future, we are in dire need to conserve energy. The consumption nowadays is higher than it was two decades ago. With our everyday life revolving around gadgets, we often forget we have a duty to protect nature too. There are several ways in which you can make use of the energy efficiently. Let us have a look at some of them:

  • Do not let that switch on when not in use.

(Turn off chargers, lights, fans, and other appliances, when not in use)

  • Use LED bulbs.
  • Use energy-efficient products.

The more you make an effort, the more it counts. Thus, save energy for a better future, or else we might have a future with no energy left to use and we may find ourselves back in the stone age.

“Recycling- Real Life Magic”

Ever wondered about the things that you throw away, where do they go? Well, they do not vanish which means they do go somewhere, benefitting no one rather, just adding on to the mess that is already there. With taking recycling not as serious we are harvesting pollution. There are so many initiatives taken by locals and the government in recycling products. Bins have been labeled and placed in public areas for people to throw in them so that the product does not go to waste and be an add-on to pollution rather it is being recycled and is turned into a new form.

If you are using products that cannot be recycled, rebuilt, refurbished, or resold, stop using it and switch to something that is efficient and can be reused when you are done using it.

“Plastic Is Detrimental”

For a clean and healthy environment, it is highly significant for us to avoid the use of plastic, especially in our daily lives. With plastic being everywhere, we need to manage things with extra care. If we are conscious of the usage of plastic, we can save not only ourselves but for other beings especially, marine life from a wave they cannot handle. It is one of those products that further damages the life of endangered species.

About 40% of the surface of the oceans has plastics diving around. It is alarming and, if this does not stop soon, we might be facing immense problems, concerning the environment. Different can be adapted and have already been by some countries in cutting down use of plastics. Let us have a look at some of them:

  • Avoiding plastic water bottles
  • Using paper bags or cloth bags
  • No use of plastic straws
  • Not buying products that have plastic packaging

Your one step can be a savior for many. Do not be hesitant in taking it.

“Do Not Let The Earth Breathe That Smoke Again”

With evolution, the conveyance has been made easy for us, but how that easiness has made it difficult for nature to benefit you with what it can, have you ever thought about that? Cars have been a great source for us and benefit us in so many ways, helping in saving us in our everyday life. However, cars bring pollution with them. The pollution from cars is unacceptable given the condition of the earth. For our convenience roads have been made but how, by cutting down trees. This decision is far worse than any. We chose roads over trees as trees were the ones polluting the environment.

The more efficient way to keep the world clean and healthy is to drive green. It will not only benefit the environment, but it will make your lifestyle a healthier one.

Moreover, with electric cars being introduced in this era, which is termed to be pollution-free, we are forgetting that it needs energy order to run and where will that energy come from? I think we already know the answer.


There are so many other ways to adapt sustainable living. Let us have a look at some of those:

  • Save Water– With a shortage of fresh water, it will be difficult for us to survive in the next few years.
  • Reduce Meat Intake– To have a healthy lifestyle, is one of the most important steps to take. Eating meat every day is not good for health and thus, leads to certain issues. Who does not want to live a healthy and pain-free life? All of us, right. You have to start from somewhere.
  • Buy Organic Products– Most of you must be thinking about the expense that organic products bring with them. However, if you look at it the other way, you will see it is better to have products sourced ethically, than buy products that will act as an add-on to the problems.


Therefore, it is getting more important for us to save energy and go green to make this world a better place to live in, or else we will face the consequences that most of the countries already are.

The post Ways To Taper Carbon Footprint appeared first on Bedding Republic.

Globalization And Its Retrospective Narrative In Embracing The Big Change https://beddingrepublic.com.au/globalization-and-its-retrospective-narrative-in-embracing-the-big-change/ Sun, 30 Jan 2022 20:26:47 +0000 https://beddingrepublic.com.au/?p=1214 “Globalization does not have a single dominating theme but progressing set of consequences. Both good and bad.” It is no longer something that we are unaware of. Businesses operating at an international scale have benefitted the economies with interdependence. Trading of goods and services, investments, and technologies have in gains, creating a win-win situation for […]

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“Globalization does not have a single dominating theme but progressing set of consequences. Both good and bad.” It is no longer something that we are unaware of. Businesses operating at an international scale have benefitted the economies with interdependence. Trading of goods and services, investments, and technologies have in gains, creating a win-win situation for all. MNC’s including McDonald’s is a great example of globalization. The term ‘Globalization’ is not only restricted to business and economies, rather it spreads the wings to cultural and political aspects as well. Cultural globalization leads to the representation of ideas, values, and creativity. Where political globalization restricts itself to the policies that build better relationships with other countries. The biggest example would be United Nations.

Let us have a look at how globalization and its development have been espoused:


Have you ever wondered how a product is available in masses and is sold at a lower price? Well due to competitive advantage; where a country can produce products at low cost and in large quantities, the price of the product decreases. Economic globalization is what has led to the birth of competitive advantage. It is favorable in terms of building better economic relations with other countries. Globalization has some favorable terms, for instance, production of same product has its parts being manufactured in different countries such as Cars.

Now you must be wondering where our (as Consumers) benefit lies. As mentioned before that the product cost of the goods and services decreases, thus, the companies charge us with economical prices. This does not only save our financial position, but it offers a vast variety of products to choose from.

However, mass production is not all sparkles. You must have an understanding of how inessential machinery, tools, and materials are being an add-on to the capital. The excessive inventory has taken over the warehouses with little to no capacity left. Therefore, with these constraints, a fuss is created, further adding problems including meeting false demand due to erroneous calculations.

With globalization bringing its benefit, overproduction is one of its main setbacks that has led to a huge amount of material waste. This waste further disturbs nature by polluting it. The over-extraction of resources is doing nothing but maltreating the earth.



The earth is asking us to let it breathe as almost everything we do, from the production of goods and services to social and cultural aspects, includes the utilization of material that was unsheathed from the natural resources and underwent a certain process to give it a finishing look so it can be sold. The economy is being fully operated by the extraction of natural resources including trees, oil, gas, water, and much more. You must be thinking this going towards the term ‘overconsumption’, and for more than a decade we have been made known to the fact, ‘resources are scarce’. 

Moreover, excessive use of non-biodegradable material including the usage of plastics, polythene, metals, and aluminum has further added to the pains that make the earth cry. We all are aware of how these materials cannot be decomposed, yet we still use them. The usage is not only limited to certain rather we have been over-consuming these products for more than two to three decades, exploiting nature, and destroying it. Almost all of us own a smartphone but have you ever given a thought that how this small device can contribute to non-biodegradable material. It can as it consists of cobalt that came from Africa, aluminum that was taken from Australia, and copper brought from Chile.

With overconsumption of such products, we have put the lives of many other creatures at risk including marine life. Moreover, with the pollution spread due to the usage of such products the environment is suffering. With that, due to deforestation, many species have lost their homes.


Nevertheless, not all is lost. Many measures have been taken regarding the usage of environment-friendly products. ‘Going Green’ is a term that is adopted by millions. For instance, a ban on single-use plastic. These are the most important steps that many countries around the globe have implemented. Plastic is no less than a threat to living things on earth. It is harmful to animals, and it makes the soil infertile. Thus, banning plastic carrier bags is an initiative that will help in letting nature breathe and it will keep the environment healthy for generations to come.

With that, this campaign has further made the world understand conserving energy since gas, coal, and water are scarce. It is done through the installation of solar panels. Some companies and households have installed solar panels, especially the factories as they require a huge amount of energy to run it.

In recent years, we have seen around the world how PR campaigns have led so many households and businesses to cut down on waste. It is an indication to keep on reusing the material until it can no longer be used. For instance, conserving water is one of the biggest challenges we have started to face. New Zealand has started to give out wastewater bills. This step is a huge indicator of moving us towards the right line.

Moreover, in Australia, online stores like urban revolution have a wide range of eco-friendly products that are not just for personal use but for household and gardening as well. For instance, reusable bags, bamboo cotton buds, charcoal toothbrushes, and much more.

The post Globalization And Its Retrospective Narrative In Embracing The Big Change appeared first on Bedding Republic.
