Laundry Archives - Bedding Republic Boring Bedrooms, Never Again Thu, 25 Aug 2022 07:49:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Lave A Weighted Blanket Thu, 25 Aug 2022 07:49:29 +0000 As we are currently residing in the cold season, most of us prefer to stay at home, snuggled in our warmest bedding accessories. Lately, one of the upper layers/blankets has been the talk of the town. Can you guess it? Let us give you a hint. It is heavy and possesses the properties that can […]

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As we are currently residing in the cold season, most of us prefer to stay at home, snuggled in our warmest bedding accessories. Lately, one of the upper layers/blankets has been the talk of the town. Can you guess it? Let us give you a hint. It is heavy and possesses the properties that can keep you calm and cozy, providing you with a night of peaceful sleep. Most of you must have guessed it by now. It is the Weighted Blanket.

The human mind is a wonder and never fails to impress us with its awe-inspiring ways to make life as easier as possible. Did you know that a weighted blanket not only provides restful sleep, but helps with several mental health issues such as anxiety, OCD, and others? With all the mesmerizing qualities that a weighted blanket has, it requires care and maintenance to function similarly for a long period.

You must be thinking about how difficult it would be to wash a weighted blanket because of its weight. Well, Bedding Republic knows how busy the schedules are, therefore, we bring in some easy guidelines on how to wash a weighted blanket that might take off the load attached to your strings of thoughts:

“Be Peculiar With Care Instructions”

Never forget the first and foremost rule of laundry, which is to read the instructions on the label. It is significant to do so as a weighted blanket is not made up of a specific filling, thus, every filling is required to be washed differently. There is a variety of filling materials on display through which a weighted blanket comes into existence including:

  • Micro Glass Beads
  • Sand
  • Beans & Rice
  • Steel Shot Beads

With that, a weighted blanket is paired with covers to keep it protected and clean for a longer period. The cover comes in different fabrics, and thus needs to be washed under specific guidelines. The fabrics include:

  • Cotton
  • Flannel
  • Fleece
  • Silk

Let us see some other general instructions that need to be followed when cleaning a weighted blanket:

Weight Of The Blanket

If you are thinking to wash your weighted blanket at home, the first thing that needs to be checked is its weight. If it weighs more than 20 pounds, then it requires professional cleaning. However, if you try to stuff it in your washing machine, the drying result will let you know why you should not wash it at home.


When blanket care for you so much, you need to give something back such as cleaning it gently. You must have guessed what kind of detergent needs to be used. A mild one.


You must be wondering what you need to inspect. Well, it is a very significant thing to do so to know whether your blanket requires pot cleaning or machine washing. If it only requires spot cleaning, clean it with a mild detergent, and after that, air dries it.


To machine wash or air dry, depends highly on the instructions printed on the label.

“Machine Washing”

The predicament question that always comes to our mind when doing laundry is whether to use hot water or cold water. Well, the label instructions are your savior. The instructions will let you know about the weight of the blanket and what temperature of water it requires to be washed with. With that, the following needs to be done when machine washing:

  • Add in the detergent
  • Stuff the blanket in the machine (which has already been checked for spot cleaning)
  • Set your machine cycle to gentle
  • Remove the blanket instantly when washed

“Hand Washing”

Not every fabric requires machine washing and if you try to do so then your blanket might not be able to provide you with the similar comfort as it did before. Therefore, it is essential to know the fabric of the blanket. Washing by hand is one of the oldest practices that is still being followed by many. Although it is a tiring job, the results are impeccable. Let us see what instructions need to be followed when washing by hand:

  • Let your bathtub be filled with water (Hot or Cold depends on the fabric and filling)
  • Add in the detergent and mix it well
  • Put the blanket in (check for spot cleaning before you put it in the bathtub)
  • Wring and mold the blanket with your hands
  • After some time stain the water
  • Add in some fresh water
  • Wash the blanket thoroughly with no elements of detergent left on it
  • Take the blanket out for drying
  • Twist out the water
  • Spread the blanket somewhere for drying


We all prefer our bed to have a nice smooth and crisp look, but does it mean that all accessories should be ironed? Well, the answer is no, and especially not the weighted blanket. The filling inside of the weighted blanket will be ruined if it is touched by the iron. However, you can iron the cover of a weighted blanket, if the fabric allows you to.

“How Often Should It Be Washed?”

The amount of times a weighted blanket needs to be washed highly depends upon your usage. Generally washing it five to six times a year is enough. However, if you use it regularly, then it is preferred for you to wash it once a month. Moreover, if your weighted blanket is covered under a protective layer, then only the cover will require to be washed frequently as the shield against dust and other things needs to be cleaned too.

Peaceful sleep is paired with hygiene. Therefore, it is significant to have bedding accessories washed under the correct guidelines to relish the comfort we long for after a hectic day!

The post How To Lave A Weighted Blanket appeared first on Bedding Republic.

How To Remove Wrinkles From Bedsheets Without Ironing? Thu, 30 Jun 2022 09:21:37 +0000 As the saying goes, “ironing is my favorite chore.” You must be wondering, who can ever say that? Well, no one. We all reside in the same world and share the idea that ironing is a chore we struggle with. It is hard and even its thought makes us feel tired. Ironing brings in the […]

The post How To Remove Wrinkles From Bedsheets Without Ironing? appeared first on Bedding Republic.

As the saying goes, “ironing is my favorite chore.” You must be wondering, who can ever say that? Well, no one. We all reside in the same world and share the idea that ironing is a chore we struggle with. It is hard and even its thought makes us feel tired. Ironing brings in the hassle we all run from. However, ironing is still a task that needs to be fulfilled to look presentable. Thus, every morning or night, we grapple to finish the most hectic part of the day. Most of us find ironing clothes difficult, but when it comes to providing the bedsheets with a wrinkle-free look, the fatigue just rises to another level.

Making the bed is a fun task, only when you are not at war with its maintenance. With our busy schedules, most of us find it hard to complete such chores that require effort and extra time. Thus, Bedding Republics brings in an idea that will act as a stress reliever. What if we share with you the tips and tricks to wrinkle-free bedsheets without ironing? You must be awe-struck by this. Well, let us take you on the visual journey of hassle-free maintenance:

“Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure”

What is the smartest way to solve a problem? It is to prevent it from happening. Taking precautions is a way toward a hassle-free life. The wrinkles on your bedsheet can be minimized to the extent where they are not prominent, only when you avert your washing machine from overloading. It is an astounding idea and must have jumbled up the strings of thoughts in your mind. Your imagination must be showing you a sheet full of wrinkles when coming out of the washing machine, but this can be prevented when you separate your laundry.

Divide your laundry by separating sets of clothes and bed linens. In this way, you can pull off two things at one time; laundry and ironing. With that, if you spread your sheet and let it air dry, that too will help, keeping it away from wrinkles.

Moreover, to avoid your sheet getting wrinkles, wash it regularly. The more you wash it, the softer it becomes. Therefore, there are fewer chances for the sheet to have wrinkles, due to the softness it will possess.

“Tumble Dryer To The Rescue”

What is that one trick that vanishes the wrinkles? Can you guess it? Let us give you a hint. It is an amalgamation of water and heat. Most of you must know it. It is steam. You must be thinking about the steamer, well as mentioned before that we are here as your savior, not to add work to your busy schedule, so say bye to your steamer for now and bring the tumble dryer into action. Throw your sheets in and add ice cubes. You must be shocked. Well, with the heat of a tumble dryer the ice cubes will melt and when combined, the steam will rise.

With that, your wrinkle-free sheet will be ready.

“Knight In Shining Armor”

We often struggle to provide our beds with an appreciable look due to the wrinkles that come along when we sit or lie on them. Therefore, to tackle this, do you know who can be the knight? Well, let us sprinkle a hint. We often use it to set our hair. You might have guessed it. It is the hair dryer. You must be confused about how a hair dryer can remove wrinkles.

Well, this hack only requires a spray water bottle and a hair dryer. All you have to do is, spray some water on the bed and then let the hair dryer do its work. With that, your bed is now wrinkle-free. How easy is that?

You are having guests over, no worries, your hair dryer is your knight, therefore, your bed will have a neat and crisp look to it.

“Let The Sheets Roll”

No tumble dryer? Well, there is nothing to worry about. Bedding Republic is here to help you by taking some chores load off. Place your wrinkle-filled sheet on the ground and start rolling it up neatly. Make sure it is tightly rolled. After that, pick up your mattress and make space for the rolled-up sheets to fit in. With that, place your mattress over it, and let it be there for the night.

The next morning when you wake up, you will be surprised to see, how smooth the sheets will be. You must be wondering how? Well,  the weight of the mattress, sets all the wrinkles free, encouraging crispness to take over.

Neat and crisp sheets provide a cool and calming ambiance. To achieve it, hassle-free maintenance awaits your call. Thus, which way will you choose?

The post How To Remove Wrinkles From Bedsheets Without Ironing? appeared first on Bedding Republic.

Cleaning Guide For Down Comforter Thu, 19 May 2022 11:03:17 +0000 If you own a down comforter, you own one of the greatest treasures of life. Do you know why? Well, the warmth and benefits it possesses, provide you with the most peaceful and luxurious sleeping experience, similar to what is found in a hotel. The down comforter has an unmatched quality. It is breathable, which […]

The post Cleaning Guide For Down Comforter appeared first on Bedding Republic.

If you own a down comforter, you own one of the greatest treasures of life. Do you know why? Well, the warmth and benefits it possesses, provide you with the most peaceful and luxurious sleeping experience, similar to what is found in a hotel. The down comforter has an unmatched quality. It is breathable, which indicates that it does not let the moisture stay. With its ventilating properties, it possesses the quality of being hypoallergenic, keeping your skin healthy and happy. While synthetic comforters can be a cause of strain on your muscle, a down comforter is light and thus, keeps the strains, and weights away.

Now, such treasure needs maintenance. Do you know how significant it is to care for it? Well, due to our busy schedules, we often neglect the care and maintenance, with the thought of the load of work that comes with it. However, here is some good news. Down comforter requires cleaning, but it does not create a hustle for you, rather it can be easily done (another significant element that indicates why you should have this treasure).

Before you begin cleaning, the foremost step is to check the label. The label carries the maintenance instructions. They need to be followed for the comforter to provide you with the same comfort.

You must be wondering about general guidelines. Well, Bedding Republic is here with a guide to illustrate how to clean a down comforter. Let us have a look at it:

“Home Vs Professional”

We often prefer washing bed linens and other stuff at home in our washing machines. However, some things require professional laundry to provide us with the warmth and comfort same as when it was bought. Now you must be wondering whether to wash a down comforter at home or get it done professionally. It is recommended for you to get it washed by a professional. You can take your down comforter to a local laundromat and specify to them that it is a down comforter, which requires to be washed under certain criteria.

 [ Make sure you do not get it dry cleaned as the chemicals used for it can damage the comforter.]

It will not only maintain the down comforter well but will save your time and effort. The era we are currently residing in saves us less time for ourselves. Maybe the time saved due to the comforter getting washed professionally can be relished by spending it on oneself.

You must be wondering about the cost that comes with it. For that, remember quality over quantity. Every penny spent on it will be worth it. On the other hand, if you own a large size machine it is perfect for washing a down comforter, then you do not need to seek any help from a laundromat, your machine will be your savior.

Let us be a guide on how you can wash it at home:

  • Temperature Of Water

It should be cold as hot water can cause the shrinkage of the down comforter.

  • Spin

Set the speed to the fastest. It will let all the moisture out.

  • Detergent

Use a mild detergent with fewer chemicals.

Some commonly asked questions:

  • Can we use bleach?

Yes, you may use non-chlorine bleach.

  • Is fabric softener safe to use?

It is not. Therefore, it is recommended for you to keep away the down comforter from it.

Drying Precautions

  • Dryer Temperature:

Your call to make.

Speed up your drying time with:

  • Clean Tennis Balls

[If any odor is found, it is an indication that your comforter has not dried up completely, let it take another spin or two.]

  • Do not iron it.

“How Frequently Should A Down Comforted Be Washed?”

Do you know what can save your comforter from getting dirt on easily? Well, it is a savior for you. Can you guess it? You might know it now. It is the duvet cover. It will protect the down comforter from various things and will act as a safeguard. With that, let us see how many cycles of washing does a down comforter requires:

With Cover

If your comforter has a cover on it, then the intensity of it carrying dirt is probably low. Therefore, it will not require you to wash it frequently. Can you guess how many times will it be required to wash? You will be awe-struck by the answer. You need to wash it after every three to five years. You must be surprised by the answer, but that is how a cover protects it.

You must be wondering about washing the cover. Well, you will certainly need to wash it every month to relish the comfortable sleeping experience.

Without Cover

The answer to with cover must have kept your thoughts on hold on buying one. However, let us tell you how many times the comforter needs to be washed when it does not have a protector over it. Can you guess it? Well, every one or two years.

[This shows that with a cover, you will not only save time but cost as well.]

Do you want to know a secret to keep your down comforter look comfortable yet classy? Fluff it every time you make your bed. It will let the look stay as it is; warm and luxurious.

“Maintenance During Off Seasons”

Currently, you can relish it as much as you can as winters are almost here. However, in spring and summer, when you spread on light duvets and store the down comforters, you need to make sure that the place they will be residing in is breathable. Moreover, to protect it from dirt, and other things, place it in a cloth bag.

Maintenance is a necessity to make your comforter last long and to relish a sound and soothing sleeping experience!

The post Cleaning Guide For Down Comforter appeared first on Bedding Republic.

How To Wash Pillows? Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:35:31 +0000 The worth of a pillow is only realized when you come home after a rough day and rest your head on it. It takes you to the most comfortable zone and acts as a stress reliever. It takes in all loads that your head is carrying, and its properties help you in providing the comfort […]

The post How To Wash Pillows? appeared first on Bedding Republic.

The worth of a pillow is only realized when you come home after a rough day and rest your head on it. It takes you to the most comfortable zone and acts as a stress reliever. It takes in all loads that your head is carrying, and its properties help you in providing the comfort that your head has been longing for the whole day. The invention of a pillow is something to admire, no wonder how creative a human mind is. It not only provides you with comfort, but its finer details add a luxurious look to it, making your bed look classy.

As our pillow plays a significant role in providing us with a night of restful sleep, it requires to be maintained and washed to provide similar comfort for a longer period. However, pillows are categorized differently, following their fabric. Thus, before you wash it, you need to know about your pillow.

Let us take you on a visual journey of how pillows of different fabrics need to be washed:

“Feather Pillows”

As the saying goes, “There is no better feeling than sinking your head into a feather pillow…” The saying is self-explanatory. Feather pillows are one of a kind. It has qualities that grab your attention instantly with the comfort and warmth it provides. One of its astounding qualities is that it is temperature-intelligent, thus keeping your body temperature at what is required. Therefore, they require greater attention when being washed.

The washing should be done in the following ways:

  • Use a mild detergent but in less quantity.
  • Cool and warm water is preferred.
  • Select ‘delicate’ from the settings of the washing machine.
  • Set the dryer settings to the lowest temperature.

“Memory Foam Pillows”

Are you a side sleeper? Or Do you suffer from back pain? Well, a memory foam pillow comes as your savior. These kinds of pillows are best as they help in keeping your spine in the best position. They further help with the neck pain and shoulder by taking all the pressure away. The foam absorbs less heat, and it has ventilating properties, making it breathable. The pillow itself is soft and offers a luxurious sleeping experience. For the given qualities to last long, it requires to be maintained in a specific way.

Moreover, it should not be machine washed, the pillow will be ruined. Therefore, washing by hand is preferred.

The guidelines for washing memory foam pillows are as followed:

  • Place the pillow in a bathtub and add a mild detergent to it.
  • The pillow then needs to be squeezed in and out.
  • Let all the water drain.
  • Add warm water to the bathtub again.
  • Squeeze the pillow to remove any detergent particles left on it.
  • Air dry or fan dry it.

“Throw Pillows”

Throw pillows are the ones that finish the look of your bed, sofas, and other respective places. They are not only used at home, but they are the comfort that you can carry with you on trips, picnics, and any other place you want to. The tag on the pillow will give you the instructions such as you what kind of fabric is it made from and will provide you with the guidelines on how to wash it. Let us have a look at some of the general guidelines when it comes to washing a throw pillow:

  • Wash every three to six months.
  • Separate pillow from its cover.
  • Wash it in warm water and let the machine settings be at ‘gentle’.
  • The drier setting should be between medium to low.
  • If there is any specification of the pillow being made from delicate materials, wash them with your hands.

How Often Should The Pillows Be Washed?

The accurate answer to this will depend on the type of material that the pillow is made of. Generally, the pillows should be washed two times a year. Some pillows might require special care and thus, will need to be washed frequently.

Cleaning pillows is important. It will help in washing away all the dirt and sweat trapped in it. Therefore, pillows will last longer and provide you with the same comfort throughout.

The post How To Wash Pillows? appeared first on Bedding Republic.

The Best Way to Sanitize Your Quilt Covers And Bedding Accessories Thu, 10 Feb 2022 02:20:26 +0000 Ever wondered about the emblem of purity? What is the one thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘pure’? Most of you must be thinking about ‘cleanliness’. Well, you are nowhere near wrong. Purity gives a fresh vibe, but that can only be achieved when the first step towards it is […]

The post The Best Way to Sanitize Your Quilt Covers And Bedding Accessories appeared first on Bedding Republic.

Ever wondered about the emblem of purity? What is the one thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘pure’? Most of you must be thinking about ‘cleanliness’. Well, you are nowhere near wrong. Purity gives a fresh vibe, but that can only be achieved when the first step towards it is done right, cleaning. The way hygiene is significant for you to stay healthy, taking shower, sanitizing, washing hands, and others help you to stay away from diseases similarly, the environment you are surrounded by needs to be cleaned, especially your bedding.

Let us be honest, we take laundry for granted, especially when it comes to washing our bedding accessories and quilt covers. For the amount of time, we spent on our bed, munching on our favorite snacks, watching movies, and sleeping, it has probably more dirt on it, and that could be a reason if you are facing any allergies, skin rashes, and restless sleep. Therefore, cleaning your bed linens, pillowcases, quilt covers, and others is significant to a great degree.

Now, most of you must be wondering that is how do we make sure the bedding is perfectly cleansed, let us take you on a ride where you will find the best ways to do it:


Before you put that bedding stock in that laundry machine, make sure you read the label attached. The label has instructions on how to wash your quilts. A basic understanding of your quilt cover fabric can save it from being destroyed. Not all fabrics require the same washing tactics. For instance, if you have a quilt cover or a bedsheet that is made of pure cotton, place it in your machine, add your detergent, it should have ingredients that are mild and friendly, not harsh, and make sure the water is set to warm. Not too cold and not too hot. The hot temperature of the water will shrink your sheets thus, make sure you avoid that. It needs to be washed at least every two weeks.

Therefore, it is highly significant that you read the fabric label for it to last long and provide you the same comfort that it did when you bought it first.


What is that one thing that is a major part of your bed? Your mattress, right. Ever known that your mattress requires the same amount of cleaning as your bed linens and quilt covers do. Now you must be thinking of a way to clean your mattress. You do not have to fill a bucket of detergent and water to clean it up, and you can not even put it in a laundry, then what? Well, here is the secret, your vacuum cleaner becomes the savior. It is a good thing if you are already flipping your mattress, at least once a year, but it needs deep cleansing too. The upholstery attached to your vacuum can be utilized when cleaning a mattress. With that, to remove any odors, take some baking soda, and spread it on your mattress. Wait about half an hour and then use your vacuum cleaner to take in all the bad smells and dirt it has been carrying for a long time.

There are some UV vacuums available, specific in this regard, which help in sanitizing your mattress and keeping it clean from dust and mites.


We often see our heavy quilt covers laying in the laundry area and waiting for the magic to come and clean them. Well, here is one trick that still requires some physical effort from you. When washing heavy duvets, if you own a front-loading laundry machine, cheers to you just wrap it in, use a gentle detergent, and turn that washer on. Make sure you take into account some precautions including:

  • Not adding too much detergent
  • The setting is set to delicate clean
  • Water is set to warm

There are many other precautions to take thus, read the label.

When it comes to drying, make sure the setting is at low heat. You do not want the comfort from the comforter to go away. A fun piece of advice, place some tennis balls, it will be an aid to the fluff.

There are many other precautions to take thus, read the label.

When it comes to drying, make sure the setting is at low heat. You do not want the comfort from the comforter to go away. A fun piece of advice, place some tennis balls, it will be an aid to the fluff.


Most of us own standard sheets and pillowcases. There is no hard rule when it comes to cleaning, but both of the accessories need cleaning at least twice a week. The washing machine you own is enough for it but as mentioned before using a mild detergent, helps keep the crisp and freshness of your sheets and pillowcases for a long period. Moreover, avoid using detergents with fragrances it might not be good for the fabric and your skin as well. Instead, use fragrance oil. That will keep the fabric in its original shape and odorless.

However, if you own a luxurious and delicate set of pillowcases and sheets, you need to set your washer to delicate settings and read the labels to further know whether it requires cold or warm water and the temperature of the dryer. It is significant to know.


How peaceful it is when you are on those soft and clean sheets while resting your head on those comfortable pillows and allowing yourself to relax after a hectic day. Therefore, it is significant for you to clean your bedding not just for a restful sleep but for hygienic purposes too, especially in this era of covid.

The post The Best Way to Sanitize Your Quilt Covers And Bedding Accessories appeared first on Bedding Republic.

How Not To Wash Your Quilt Cover Wed, 26 Jan 2022 02:18:34 +0000 “The foremost principle of laundry? No harming.” The fabric you wash converses with you when paid a little attention to it. Most of the time, due to our busy schedules, we fail to recognize the most important rule, and thus, this results in an unfavorable outcome. Washing your quilt cover is not as simple as […]

The post How Not To Wash Your Quilt Cover appeared first on Bedding Republic.

“The foremost principle of laundry? No harming.” The fabric you wash converses with you when paid a little attention to it. Most of the time, due to our busy schedules, we fail to recognize the most important rule, and thus, this results in an unfavorable outcome. Washing your quilt cover is not as simple as it may seem. Your job does not end after putting in the washing machine and spreading it out to dry, rather it requires care and empathy for the fabric too long last and be as gentle as it was when you first bought it.

There is no magical solution when it comes to washing your quilt covers, but there are different ways and some precautions that need your attention when doing laundry. It is your call on the application of the method but let us have a look at some of the mistakes that are made when cleaning and measures that will help you save your quilts, bedsheets, pillowcases, and others:

 “Avoiding labels? It is just a bedsheet”

The first and most significant step that needs to be taken before washing your quilt covers is to check their label. The label has information on precautions that need to be taken before making it a ball and throwing it into the washing machine. It further guides you on what fabric is it and how much care it requires for instance avoid using bleach on sheets that are made of fabrics other than cotton. Although it is a great, way to sanitize it can be harsh on the sheets. Moreover, if your bedding is made out of jersey, be careful when loading the machine with hot water the fabric will shrink rather, use water that is of room temperature as washing in cold water will not take care of hygiene. It applies to all fabrics of the bedding.

“Spilled ink? A rich profusion of detergent, coming to rescue”

This is a mistake we often make when showering the detergent on stained sheets regardless of its material including jersey, cotton, linen, polyester, and many others. The excessive use of detergent can damage the fabric constantly. There is a common misconception among people that the more the detergent is used the better it will be in cleaning. This is completely wrong and is against the golden rule. Do not hurt your cotton sheets and quilt covers. They are there to provide comfort to you do not let them weep in the laundry.

Rather than using the detergent excessively, use a benign one. Go through the label and you will know whether it is suitable or not. A pro tip, before you make a chunk of sheet and throw it in the machine try to lighten up the stain with some home remedies, this will help your sheets stay clean and provide the comfort that will not be washed away; rather it will stay with you.

 “Do I need to wash sheets today? They look fine to me”

Another mistake we often make is we overlook the fact that when we sleep, the sheet takes in many things such as sweat, skin oil, and many other things. If they are not washed for more than a week, they might damage the immune response to your body. I am sure you would not want yourself waking up to a busy day and guess what, an allergy just caught you. Since it is summer, you need to be extra careful. Do not wash them every day but at least once a week. It will keep all the mites away that will bring in allergic reactions.

Make sure that pillowcases are not left out; they require cleansing as much as the sheets and quilts do.

 “Let the machine take another spin or two”

As the timer ends and the machine starts beeping, listen to it as a call of help from your duvets, bedsheets, and pillowcases. As you ignore the beep, this might just destroy the fabric and take away the ease and comfort it provides you. As the spinner starts to make another round, ready to have a sheet that might have shrunk and has already turned old as now it has those harsh creases. Do not let the machine take another spin and keep the heat settings at medium this will take care of your sheets and provide comfort to you a little longer.

 “Too tired to separate laundry, let me just put all at once”

This might be a great idea to save time but can be your biggest nightmare if you love your quilt cover. Even if the fabric of the entire thing you have placed in your washing machine were the same, it still will leave no space for the machine, to do its job well. It will be worse if you have added towels to it. Towels take in a lot of water and will harm the quilt covers. When you put them in the dryer, towels have a fuzz that can ruin your bedding fabric.

Therefore, be careful when washing, you certainly do not want those extra five minutes of sleep to be rough.

The post How Not To Wash Your Quilt Cover appeared first on Bedding Republic.
