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How Not To Wash Your Quilt Cover

  • Post category:Bedding care

“The foremost principle of laundry? No harming.” The fabric you wash converses with you when paid a little attention to it. Most of the time, due to our busy schedules, we fail to recognize the most important rule, and thus, this results in an unfavorable outcome. Washing your quilt cover is not as simple as it may seem. Your job does not end after putting in the washing machine and spreading it out to dry, rather it requires care and empathy for the fabric too long last and be as gentle as it was when you first bought it.

There is no magical solution when it comes to washing your quilt covers, but there are different ways and some precautions that need your attention when doing laundry. It is your call on the application of the method but let us have a look at some of the mistakes that are made when cleaning and measures that will help you save your quilts, bedsheets, pillowcases, and others:

 “Avoiding labels? It is just a bedsheet”

The first and most significant step that needs to be taken before washing your quilt covers is to check their label. The label has information on precautions that need to be taken before making it a ball and throwing it into the washing machine. It further guides you on what fabric is it and how much care it requires for instance avoid using bleach on sheets that are made of fabrics other than cotton. Although it is a great, way to sanitize it can be harsh on the sheets. Moreover, if your bedding is made out of jersey, be careful when loading the machine with hot water the fabric will shrink rather, use water that is of room temperature as washing in cold water will not take care of hygiene. It applies to all fabrics of the bedding.

“Spilled ink? A rich profusion of detergent, coming to rescue”

This is a mistake we often make when showering the detergent on stained sheets regardless of its material including jersey, cotton, linen, polyester, and many others. The excessive use of detergent can damage the fabric constantly. There is a common misconception among people that the more the detergent is used the better it will be in cleaning. This is completely wrong and is against the golden rule. Do not hurt your cotton sheets and quilt covers. They are there to provide comfort to you do not let them weep in the laundry.

Rather than using the detergent excessively, use a benign one. Go through the label and you will know whether it is suitable or not. A pro tip, before you make a chunk of sheet and throw it in the machine try to lighten up the stain with some home remedies, this will help your sheets stay clean and provide the comfort that will not be washed away; rather it will stay with you.

 “Do I need to wash sheets today? They look fine to me”

Another mistake we often make is we overlook the fact that when we sleep, the sheet takes in many things such as sweat, skin oil, and many other things. If they are not washed for more than a week, they might damage the immune response to your body. I am sure you would not want yourself waking up to a busy day and guess what, an allergy just caught you. Since it is summer, you need to be extra careful. Do not wash them every day but at least once a week. It will keep all the mites away that will bring in allergic reactions.

Make sure that pillowcases are not left out; they require cleansing as much as the sheets and quilts do.

 “Let the machine take another spin or two”

As the timer ends and the machine starts beeping, listen to it as a call of help from your duvets, bedsheets, and pillowcases. As you ignore the beep, this might just destroy the fabric and take away the ease and comfort it provides you. As the spinner starts to make another round, ready to have a sheet that might have shrunk and has already turned old as now it has those harsh creases. Do not let the machine take another spin and keep the heat settings at medium this will take care of your sheets and provide comfort to you a little longer.

 “Too tired to separate laundry, let me just put all at once”

This might be a great idea to save time but can be your biggest nightmare if you love your quilt cover. Even if the fabric of the entire thing you have placed in your washing machine were the same, it still will leave no space for the machine, to do its job well. It will be worse if you have added towels to it. Towels take in a lot of water and will harm the quilt covers. When you put them in the dryer, towels have a fuzz that can ruin your bedding fabric.

Therefore, be careful when washing, you certainly do not want those extra five minutes of sleep to be rough.