You are currently viewing HOW TO ORGANISE YOUR PANTRY


To optimise the functionality in your kitchen, organising your pantry is very important. An organised pantry will save your time and money spent on buying items that you already have hidden amongst the mess. An organised pantry creates more usable space to store your belongings and make your kitchen feel cleaner, enjoyable, larger, and manageable to use and be in.

Here’s how organising your pantry will benefit you and your kitchen:

A well-organised pantry comes with a lot of benefits that affect your grocery bills and your space utilisation which ultimately keeps the clutter down to a minimum and saves your money. It makes your life much easier as you can quickly find what you’re looking for.

When you have organised counters and drawers, cleaning doesn’t seem like a big chore anymore. Pantry organisation makes everything from cooking dinners to putting away groceries as easy as opening the pantry door. Here are some other major benefits of pantry organisation:

1. Maximises the valuable space you have

Organising your pantry to its full potential will ensure the right utilisation of every nook and corner available. You can use containers, storage racks, baskets, turntables, and tiered shelves to maximise your storage capabilities and to ensure every item has its place. In this way, you can save valuable counter space and keep countertops clutter-free.

2. Reduces duplication and spoilage

By taking out a little time each week to organise and go through your pantry can help save money by not buying duplicate products and avoid waste by not having to discard expired items. Pantry organisation can help you rotate items towards the front and lessen the chances of something being forgotten in the back getting spoiled or expired.

3. Saves time

An organised pantry can make meal planning, grocery shopping, unpacking, and meal prep more time-efficient. These things when combined with clutter-free cabinets and counters can save you a lot of time. You might have to put a bit of extra time and effort to organise your pantry but once everything is in place, it will save you an enormous amount of time in the long run.

Organise your pantry in four easy steps:

If you’re ready for the organised pantry of your dreams, we have listed four simple tips that will make your pantry organisation easier and efficient:


Take out everything in your pantry and make sure your countertops are empty so you can sort out things. Once your pantry is emptied, clean the shelves thoroughly. Now, look at what you have and toss anything that’s expired or infrequently used.


Once everything is out, group what you have into categories. Put your cereals together, baking essentials together, spices together, cans and jars together. When similar products are grouped, it makes organising and decluttering much quicker.


Now make use of containers, baskets, and bins to store different items and save space.

  • Store spices in jars
  • Sauces and spreads in lazy Susan
  • Oils and vinegar in pourer glass bottles
  • Decanted dry foods in airtight storage containers
  • Pantry staples like flour, rice, and sugar into see-through canisters
  • Snacks, meal packets, and baking items in baskets or tubs


Labelling is the key to keep track of the products and expiry dates. Label containers, bins, and shelves so everyone in the house knows where the items are located. Labels make it easier to prioritise the ingredients that you gravitate towards and clear out items that have expired.

So, say goodbye to clutter! Keep your pantry organised with these simple steps to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your kitchen. Good Luck!


  • Measure your space and then buy storage solutions to save your money as they might not fit your space.
  • If you have a small pantry, store backup items, cans, and extras in another cupboard in your house.
  • Take out 10 minutes every day to keep your pantry clean and organised.