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Organic Living And Its Key Industrial Challenges That The World Face To Make This A Reality

“Do not eat anything your great-grandmother would not recognize as food,” is an old saying but has a meaningful message that is easily comprehended by the wordings used. We are all aware of how the industrial hazards have adversely affected the environment and it comes as no surprise that the world is currently under a threat, all because of the selfish humankind violent enough to disturb nature. Rapid changes in climatic conditions are alarming and it is high time to take a step back and let nature breathe.

Nevertheless, ‘Organic Consumption’ is no longer an expression that we fail to perceive; rather it is now taken more sternly as people have become more health-conscious. Let us have look at some of the reasons why the shift transpired.

A Safety Pill Saves A Hospital Trip

We are so close to the era where only the people who know growing foods will be able to consume rest might suffer in hunger. The paradigm of the world has now shifted and is working on consuming chemical-free products. Organic farming is free from pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones and has zero preservatives. Organic eating has had a positive impact on the dietary patterns as it has made us realize how our grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived a healthy life as they were consuming nutrients that this age lack including vitamins and minerals, necessary for the body to function well.

Organic Lifestyle- A Beauty Regimen

When you think about organic living, what is the first thing that comes to your mind, explaining this expression? Most probably organic food. Changing dietary plans to organic food is one of the most significant steps taken towards organic living but it does not end here. It further elaborates on our routine such as the products that are part of our everyday life including the chemicals used for cleaning purposes, cosmetic products, clothing, fuel, and method of transportation, all require organic ingredients and materials, respectively, when adapting to an organic lifestyle.

For instance, a recent action taken on the usage of plastic from bags, replaced by paper and cloth, to straws, replaced by paper and metals. Moreover, restricting clothing to purely cotton or leather and using natural ingredients including salt, vinegar, and lemon for cleaning purposes. In addition, usage of public transport or bicycles to stay fit and protect the environment from pollution.

Extricate Soil From Ravaging

Health has been compromised for many years now and to make things cheaper the cost-cutting plans have adversely affected the health of the soil. It is significant for the soil to be healthy when producing crops. Organic soil is what the land needs to fulfill the most significant need of living creatures, food. When farming takes place with organic agriculture, numerous benefits are relished by the land and by the living things that consume it. You will see how happy nature would be, as crops will be grown with the use of natural fertilizers. The more environment-friendly methods are used the better and healthier food will be produced.

Emancipate farmers- Wrapped Up In The Brutal Chemicals

During the agriculture process, farmers are exposed to some of the most harmful pesticides and chemicals used to protect the crops. This has led to some major health issues. Therefore, organic farming helps farmers and people around them to be safe from the detrimental pesticides and chemicals. You must have known how the health of farmers has a connection with you as the food consumed by you is grown and harvested by them.


Despite the many advantages that organic living brings with it, some setbacks have led to industrial challenges, making it difficult to turn this fascinating expression of organic living into a reality.

Let us have a look at these challenges:

High Price To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Organic living comes with numerous benefits but it demands a hefty price when adapting to it. It has been a major drawback and has made people take a step back from organic living because it is out of their range to afford it not only for people but for industries as well. Organic agriculture demands some serious cost consuming inputs. Moreover, since the demand for organic products is relatively lower than other products, the outcome results in higher production costs. When the harvest takes place, the cost is further added to the packaging and transportation as the organic and non-organic products are packaged separately.

In addition, the marketing of organic products is ineffectual, it is still priced as low quantity is produced. the aforementioned things summarize the fact that the production of non-organic products is still high as they are cheaper to produce and the consumer engagement on these products for instance, in many parts of the world plastic is still in use and people are still buying processed food as it is cheaper than organic products.

Unclear Vision

With many ongoing debates concerning organic living whether it should be adapted, not or whether it is wholly environment friendly, or not, an intense situation has taken place. There have been statements where it has been said that although organic agriculture has many benefits including less or no pesticides, with animal manure and green manure soil is enhanced, alleviates the impact of greenhouse gasses, and many other favorable impacts on agriculture and nature conservation. Yet it still does not have a solution for all the issues related to the environment. Since the production of non-organic products is still in progress, organic farming requires an additional part of the land. Therefore, this leads to a problem as only a small portion of land is left for capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.

With the increasing demand for food, it is getting difficult to maintain a balance and produce environmentally friendly products. With the requirement of more research, the concern stations itself on how to fulfill the need for food to the existing and coming population by taking a course of action to adapt to the changing aspects of climate. It is still unclear how this situation will be resolved.

Organic Farming- Rightly Done Or Not?

Even for experts, this situation is vigorously disturbing. On one hand, returning nature its aspects by consumption of environment-friendly products is necessary, and on the other hand, it is highly costly to do o and feed the world. Nevertheless, the problem does not end here. It has been a question of concern whether organic food production is done justice to. With that, whether farmer takes precautionary measures, for instance, when the farming procedure is set to proceed, and sulfur (a plant nutrient) is spread, farmers need to be careful when working with such elements by equipping themselves with respective garments.

Moreover, in certain parts of the world, no elements are used for organic agriculture rather; natural ways are adapted to keep the pests away. A check-in balance is required to have know-how on how the farmers are working.

With all the challenges involved, you must be thinking about whether it is possible to adapt to an organic lifestyle. Well, you might be surprised to know that many countries with well-developed economies have already adapted to this lifestyle, and according to some of the reports,

 “More than 60% of Australians follow the pattern of organic living.”

However, many parts of the world are still struggling. Let us see what methods and techniques come around that will make the production of the organic product less cost-consuming and more efficient.