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Duck Down Vs Goose Down

Do you know how to choose the best duvet cover and pillow? Well, there are so many elements that influence your decision, and one of them carries a great significance, which is the filling. It gives the shape of a duvet and pillow, making it comfortable. The filling comes in two forms: natural and synthetic. Natural fillings are better than synthetic as they are more soft, durable, and breathable when compared. Do you know how natural fillings are categorized? Well, they are classified as two; Down and Feather. With so many questions that cross our minds when we buy bedding products, there is one specific, which always puts a pause to our thinking process; whether to buy Goose down or Duck down duvet. These two are commonly used as fillers and possess similar properties. However, considering the various factors, we see how both differ from each other. The factors include price, quality, and your taste and preferences.

With that, before you decide, you need to know what Duck down and Goose down are. Let us take you on a journey of explanation and create some ease in your decision-making.


When making a decision, you need to know what Down is. It refers to the interior feathers found under the exterior feathers of birds. When compared to feathers, it is lightweight and breathable. Due to the down filling, the duvet cover becomes warm, soft, and fluffy. The fluffiness is measured with the fill power. As down traps heat, the higher the power, the better the insulation.


The properties possessed by both, Duck down and Goose down, makes you wonder what makes them different from each other. It is a significant question and often crosses our minds. Well, there is no such difference. Are you surprised? Well, if you look closely, you will find that both belong to the same class thus, they share the same structure. Moreover, both are impressive insulators. However, if you are still wondering about the difference, let us help you find one. It will make it easier for you to make the decision. Can you guess the difference? Well, on the hunt, we found that the difference is in the insulating powers. Duck down carries 87% of the power when compared to Goose down.

Do you know how long can warmth and loft of both, Goose and Duck, can last? If they are maintained well, they can last for more than ten years. How astounding is that? Are you wondering about what loft is? Well, loft tells you about the fluffiness of a duvet or pillow. Do you want to know the secret behind the maintenance of down? Well, there is no hard and fast rule. When buying the duvet cover or pillow, make sure you buy from a reputable brand. With that, you need to read the label instructions to know; the correct way how you can take care of it.

“Aspects Influencing Your Decision”

It is significant for you to know certain qualities possessed by both before buying. Let us have a look at those qualities:

  • Durable

Now you must be wondering that previously it is mentioned there is no difference between the two except for the fill power. Well, primarily, there is only one. When it comes to durability, it is determined through the fat and oil that comes with down. You must be wondering how you know which is better. Well, the percentage of fat, and oil will be the answer to it. Down in both, Duck and Goose vary following some other factors including breed, seasons, and others.

Moreover, if down is washed excessively during its manufacturing process, it is likely to lose an immense amount of fat and oil. It will have a significant impact on the quality of it. Therefore, the durability depends on how well down has been taken care of regardless, of whether it is of a duck or a goose.

  • Scent

With the amount of fat and oil determining the strength and durability, it also affects the odor of down. All those sensitive to smell can feel the difference and can know which carries the worst scent. You must be wondering that down must go under deep cleansing, then how come the scent remains? Well, down is natural. Therefore, birds have their odor, and even after proper cleaning, it remains.

However, you do not need to worry as DWR comes as a savior. When buying, do check down with DWR-treatment, as it is the way to minimize the odor to the lowest possible level.

  • Shade

Do you know which color both Duck down and Goose down duvet covers are usually available in? Most of you must have got it right. They are found in white and grey. The colors are kept neutral so they can provide a finer look to the duvet covers, as well as pillows. Moreover, the color does not define any difference in longevity or strength.

“Ending Disputation”

As you have seen, the only thing that contradicts the Duck down and Goose down is the fill power. Moreover, do you know that Goose down is known to be better than Duck down? It must be coming as a surprise to you. However, based on this review, you should not eradicate the choice of Duck down. There are better quality duvet covers and pillows made of Duck down available. The price factor varies between the two; Duck down is considerably cheaper than Goose down.

Nevertheless, your decision should consider all the elements to get the best for your bed and provide yourself with a comfortable and soothing sleeping experience.

So, what will you prefer?