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How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets

Nothing beats the comfort and luxury of getting into bed when you have clean and fresh bedding. You deserve the ultimate comfort of perfectly fresh, nice smelling, and clean bedding but unfortunately, your bedding doesn’t stay fresh and clean for long as it ends up harbouring all sorts of unwanted guests that you can’t even see. Dirt, body oils, skin cells, sweat, and dust mites start building in your bedding that can even cause allergic reactions. So, washing your bedding correctly can help it look better and last longer. Let’s find out how to do it properly!


Quilts are very delicate and washing them frequently can damage the fabrics. It is better to wash your quilt as seldom as possible. You should wash it only when it needs attention just the same way you treat your hair. As quilt is one of the most expensive bedding items so whenever you wash your quilt make sure to wash it without damaging its fabric, shine, and colour. Here are some tips that you can follow to properly wash your quilt:

How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets
  • Examine your quilt: Make sure to examine your quilt and check for any loose threads or stretched seams and try to fix them before washing your quilt.
  • Read the care label instructions: Before washing your quilt, always check the care label and follow the suggested instructions. It will be mostly recommended to take the quilt to a professional dry cleaner, but you can wash your quilt at home if you have a washing machine with large capacity by following the care label instructions.
  • Instructions on machine-washing: If you choose to wash your quilt in a washing machine, use cold or lukewarm water and use a gentle cycle on a normal spinning setting. Use non-bio or gentle fabric detergents while washing your quilt. To prevent excessive damage, you can add Retayne or colour catcher to the washing water.
  • Drying and storing your quilt: After washing your quilt, make sure to dry it with the machine till it’s damp and then dry it outside in the air before using. Keep your quilt in a quilt cover to keep it fresh and clean and if you want to store it, store it at dry places.
How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets


Everyone loves a clean, fresh bed but not everyone makes a regular habit of washing quilt covers. Quilt covers seem to stay pretty clean but regular laundering is important to keep them away from dirt, dust mites, allergens, body oils, and sweat. It is recommended to wash your quilt cover at least once a week if this fits your routine. If you use a top sheet, you can stretch that a little longer. So, let’s find out how to wash your quilt cover properly:

How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets
  • Unfasten the quilt cover: Quilt covers usually have a zipper or a series of buttons that you need to unfasten in order to remove the cover for washing. If it has some interior ties, you’ll have to untie them to slip the cover off. Always turn the cover inside out to avoid colour fading.
  • Read the care label instructions: Always read the care label instructions before getting started. Check if it ensures popping your quilt cover into a machine washing otherwise follow instructions for dry cleaning or hand washing.
  • Instructions on machine-washing: Use cold water and wash on the normal setting with the normal spin cycle. You can wash your quilt cover with other items as long as there’s room for your cover to move around freely in the machine. Choose a gentle or soft liquid detergent and a fabric softener for better cleanness.
  • Remove the stains: To remove stains from your quilt, make a paste of baking soda and water. Mix one part of baking soda with two parts of water and gently rub the thick paste on the stain. Let it dry and then rinse off the residue with water.
  • Drying and storing your cover: Most quilt covers do fine in the dryer on a medium to a low setting, although you can opt for air-drying to reduce the wrinkles. To ensure proper air flow, use cotton storage bags and avoid storing at damp places.
How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets


Cleaning your bedsheets is beneficial for your body and mind. You sleep better when your sheets are fresh and clean as there is nothing like slipping into crisp sheets. It’s best to clean your sheets regularly by taking into account your personal preferences, lifestyle, and seasonal demands. You will be able to make your sheets last a long time if you take good care of your sheets. Here’s how you can wash your sheets properly:

How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets
  • Read the care label instructions: Before washing your sheets, always read the care label and follow the washing instructions. Follow specific washing instructions based on the brand or the material.
  • Washing the brand new sheets: Brand new sheets have chemicals that are added during manufacturing that can prevent sheets from feeling soft. Moreover, using detergent will further lock in these chemicals. To avoid this, wash your new sheets with one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar. After this, use regular detergent for a softer feel.
  • Instructions for machine-washing: Always place your sheets into the washing machine without other items. Sheets launder better when there is plenty of room in the machine. Only pillowcases can be washed with sheets and other bed linen should be washed separately. Avoid washing them with towels as it will end up having lint balls all over the sheets. Use lukewarm water to properly clean your sheets and opt for a mild detergent. You should avoid excessive detergent if you want to prevent your sheets from wearing down.
  • Drying and storing: The secret to successfully drying your sheets at home is to remove them from the washing machine promptly to avoid excessive drying and wrinkling. Hang your sheets on a clothesline to air dry and secure them by using clothespins. After air drying, a quick tumble in the dryer can enhance the softness of your sheets before use. Stack your folded sheets and matching pillowcases together and store them at a dry place or in cotton storage boxes.
How to properly wash your quilt, quilt cover, and bedsheets

So, nothing beats a comfortable bed made with fresh and clean bedding and we hope you found these washing tips helpful. How do you wash your bedding? Let us know in the comments below!